*The shipment of the product is carried out in 40 days.
Floor lamp made entirely of solid bronze.
70.9 x 11.8 x 3.9 in.
LED system 2.700K dimmable.
Wi-fi controller.
CRI 80.
Metals such as gold, silver, and copper were the first metals used by mankind. Over time, copper was discovered to be much harder and easier to melt if it was melted in a high-temperature furnace and mixed with tin. Discover →
Returns & Guarantees
✈ Returns: Because of the handmade nature of our product, we are not able to offer returns.
❂ 1 year warranty against mechanical defects.
Sales Assistance
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Comuníquese con nuestro estudio al +1 212 645 2602 o envíenos un correo electrónico a sales@menguante.co para obtener más ayuda.